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How High Should the Water Level be in a Fish Tank?

Whether you are new to the hobby or have been keeping aquarium fish for some time, have you ever wondered how full your tank should be? Of course, you have at some point in time I’m sure. Even without realizing it, you have probably thought about it.

A fish tank’s water level should not be so high that it overflows out of the aquarium and not too low that you run into issues with power equipment. When it comes to the fish tank’s appearance, having the water level as high as possible always looks better. 

It should be simple filling up an aquarium. Just put water in and everything should work out, right? Well, that would be nice but there are a couple of things to watch out for when keeping your water level at the correct height. What happens if the water level drops too low and as a result, your heater isn’t fully submerged? Keep reading and I’ll answer that question and hopefully a few more you may have.

Okay, let’s begin.

What is the Proper Water Level for a Fish Tank?

The correct water level will depend on the equipment you have installed in the tank and the aesthetics you want to achieve.

Let’s discuss aesthetics right away. Personally, I don’t like seeing a water line at the top of the tank. To me, a full tank looks the best.

One thing to consider if you don’t keep your water level high enough is that a watermark will appear around the top of the glass. This occurs when water evaporates and the minerals in the water stick to the glass or acrylic. The longer you leave the water like this, the harder it becomes to clean.

Of course, if you’re performing weekly maintenance on the tank, you should be able to keep the glass free of minerals but once you leave it a few times, it seems like it shows up that much quicker.

That’s it for the appearance of the water level in your tank but what about when it comes to having the water at the proper level to allow your tanks equipment to run properly? Let’s review some scenarios.


If you’re using a hang-on-back filter, there’s a ‘sweet spot’ for the water level so the water gets sucked up into the filter and pours back into the tank without issues. If the water level is too high, there’s the danger that water will flow back under the ramp.

If the tank is too full, it’ll seem to move underneath that ramp towards the back of your tank. Sounds weird, but it’s true! I’ve seen it happen on my 10-gallon tank. You can tell if you have too much water in the tank if it ends up dripping out under the front of the filter and then down the back of your tank.

Another piece of equipment to keep an eye on are heaters that are semi-submersible – meaning both the top and the controls of the heater stick out of the tank water. If the water level gets too low, you’re not only heating the water, but the air around the exposed part of the heater.

This can be a problem if the water gets extremely low because these heaters are made to be turned on while submerged in the water. If they aren’t and you have it turned on, you’re are at risk of having the heater cracking. This not only ruins the heater but could potentially electrocute all the inhabitants in the tank! That’s why it’s important to always unplug the heater when you do a water change.

There’s a marking on your semi-submersible water heater that shows where the water level should be on the tube. Make sure to do your best to keep the water at that level. You can adjust it by either raising or lowering the heater or having the water at the desired height and then just topping it up whenever necessary.


Can You Overfill a Fish Tank?

Yes, you can overfill a fish tank. If the water is so high that it might spill out, then it’s been over filled.

As well, if the water is so high that its not allowing equipment to function properly, then the fish tank has been overfilled.


Just as bad as it is to underfill a tank, it’s also a problem if you overfill one. The last thing you want is your aquarium water to be flowing out onto your floor!

Should a Fish Tank Filter be Fully Submerged?

If you’re using a sponge filter or a submersible filter, then yes, make sure they’re fully submerged.

Other filters such as a hang-on-back style are not submerged. The intake tube goes into the tank’s water and that’s it.

If you’re using a canister filter, all that goes into the fish tanks water are the intake and outlet tubes. Canister filters sit outside of the aquarium. If your tank is on a stand, the canister filter should be placed in the cabinet.

Topping up Your Fish Tanks Water (Why it’s Important)?

It’s important to keep your tank’s water level at about the same among continually for optimum performance of your tank.

You have a better chance at keeping the water parameters where they need to be if you keep the water levels consistent. That, in my opinion, is the most important aspect of keeping a fish tank healthy and running optimally.

Topping up the water level as needed helps you, the aquarium hobbyist, keep on top of taking the best care of your fish tank as possible.

You’ll be more apt to perform regular water changes and whatever else is needed if you’re always on top of things. This means your fish will be healthy and happy because of your habits.


In conclusion, I wanted to say that having your water level in your fish tank ‘just right’ isn’t hard to accomplish on a regular basis. It’s also not a big deal if you let the water level drop a bit once in a while.

I didn’t mention this in the article yet but when your water level lowers, the toxins rise because of less water displacement.

If you’re running a marine tank, the salinity increases when the water level drops. So, if you have saltwater fish that are sensitive to higher levels of salt, you’ll want to always keep the tank topped up.

Remember as well that to top up fish tank water, you need treated water at the ready. I always keep enough treated water for my water changes and to top up for at least two weeks. It just makes it that much easier to simply go get a bit of treated water and fill the fish tank to where it needs to be.

I really hope I was able to help you out with any questions or concerns you may have had when it comes to keeping your fish tank’s water level at the right height.

Good luck and happy fish keeping!

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