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Complete Guide to Black Skirt Tetras

Welcome to our complete guide to Black Skirt Tetras! Whether you’re a novice aquarist or a seasoned hobbyist, this comprehensive resource will provide you with everything you need to know about caring for these captivating freshwater fish. From their origins in the rivers of South America to their breeding behavior and tank requirements, we’ve got you covered.

Origins and Description

Black Skirt Tetras, scientifically known as Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, are native to the clear waters of South America, specifically the Paraguay and Guaporé River basins.

As members of the Characidae family, they share their lineage with other popular aquarium fish like Neon Tetras and Serpae Tetras.

These tetras are aptly named for their striking coloration, with a distinctive black “skirt” extending along the lower half of their bodies.

Their upper bodies are typically adorned with shades of silver, creating a visually stunning contrast. Additionally, their fins are elongated and gracefully trailing, adding to their aesthetic appeal.

Aquarium Setup

Tank Size and Environment

Creating the ideal habitat for Black Skirt Tetras begins with selecting an appropriately sized aquarium. While these fish are relatively small, they thrive in spacious environments. A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended to provide ample swimming room for a small school of tetras.

When designing their habitat, aim to replicate the natural conditions of their native rivers. Utilize fine gravel or sand substrate, along with plenty of live plants and driftwood for shelter and visual interest. Additionally, ensure adequate filtration and regular water changes to maintain optimal water quality.

Water Parameters

Maintaining stable water parameters is paramount to the health and well-being of Black Skirt Tetras.

These freshwater fish are highly sensitive to fluctuations in their aquatic environment, and deviations from optimal conditions can compromise their immune system, stress levels, and overall vitality.


By understanding and diligently managing the following parameters, aquarists can create a conducive habitat that promotes the thriving of their Black Skirt Tetras.


The temperature of the aquarium water plays a crucial role in regulating the metabolic processes and behavior of Black Skirt Tetras. Ideally, the water temperature should fall within the range of 72-78°F (22-26°C) to mimic the tropical climates of their native South American habitat.

Maintaining a stable temperature within this range is essential to prevent temperature-related stress and ensure the overall health of the tetras.

PH Level

The pH level of the water refers to its acidity or alkalinity and directly influences the biological processes and physiological functions of Black Skirt Tetras. To replicate their natural environment, aim for a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.

This slightly acidic to neutral range provides a suitable habitat for the tetras and supports the health of beneficial bacteria essential for biological filtration.

Hardness (dGH)

Water hardness, measured in degrees of General Hardness (dGH), refers to the concentration of dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium ions, in the water.

Black Skirt Tetras thrive in moderately hard water with a dGH range of 5-12. Maintaining appropriate water hardness levels ensures the proper functioning of their osmoregulatory systems and supports healthy growth and development.

Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate Levels

Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are byproducts of organic waste and decaying matter in the aquarium, and their accumulation can pose significant risks to the health of Black Skirt Tetras. Ammonia and nitrite are highly toxic to fish, even at low concentrations, while nitrate, although less toxic, can lead to health problems if allowed to accumulate unchecked.


To maintain optimal water quality, it is imperative to keep ammonia and nitrite levels at 0 ppm through effective biological filtration and regular water changes. Nitrate levels should be kept below 20 ppm to prevent the onset of nitrate toxicity and ensure a healthy aquatic environment for the tetras.

Regular Testing and Maintenance

Regular monitoring of water parameters through accurate testing is essential to identify and address any deviations from the optimal ranges promptly. Testing kits are readily available and should be used regularly, especially during the initial setup of the aquarium and after significant changes such as water changes or the introduction of new tank mates.

In addition to testing, proactive maintenance measures such as regular water changes, substrate vacuuming, and filter maintenance are essential to prevent the buildup of harmful substances and maintain water clarity and quality.

By adopting a proactive approach to water parameter management, aquarists can create a stable and thriving habitat that supports the health and vitality of their Black Skirt Tetras for years to come.

ParameterIdeal Range
Temperature72-78°F (22-26°C)
pH Level6.5-7.5
Hardness (dGH)5-12
Ammonia0 ppm
Nitrite0 ppm
Nitrate< 20 ppm

Regular testing and adjustments may be necessary to ensure these parameters remain within the optimal range for your tetras.

Diet and Feeding for Black Skirt Tetras

Natural Diet for Black Skirt Tetras

In their native habitat, Black Skirt Tetras exhibit an omnivorous feeding behavior, consuming a diverse array of food sources to meet their nutritional requirements. Their diet primarily consists of small insects, crustaceans, zooplankton, and plant matter found in the clear waters of South American rivers. This varied diet allows them to thrive in their natural environment and maintain optimal health.

To replicate the natural diet of Black Skirt Tetras in captivity, it’s essential to provide a diverse range of foods that mimic the nutritional content of their wild diet. This includes offering live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larvae, which serve as excellent sources of protein and essential nutrients. Additionally, incorporating small pieces of vegetable matter, such as blanched spinach or cucumber, helps fulfill their need for plant-based nutrition.

Recommended Foods for Black Skirt Tetras

While live and frozen foods are beneficial supplements to the diet of Black Skirt Tetras, a high-quality flake or pellet food formulated specifically for tropical fish serves as a staple diet. These commercially available foods are designed to provide a balanced nutrition profile, containing essential vitamins, minerals, and protein sources to support the health and vitality of your tetras.

When selecting flake or pellet food for Black Skirt Tetras, opt for products that list fish or shrimp meal as the primary ingredient, as these offer a concentrated source of protein. Look for brands that also incorporate natural color enhancers such as astaxanthin or spirulina to help maintain the vibrant coloration of your tetras.

To ensure dietary variety and prevent nutritional deficiencies, it’s recommended to rotate between different types of flake or pellet foods throughout the week. This not only keeps your tetras engaged during feeding but also ensures they receive a broad spectrum of nutrients for overall well-being.

In addition to dry foods, offering occasional treats of live or frozen foods further enriches the diet of Black Skirt Tetras. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia are particularly prized by these fish and can be offered as a supplement once or twice a week to provide additional protein and stimulation.

By providing a balanced and varied diet that replicates the nutritional diversity of their natural habitat, you can ensure the health, vitality, and vibrant coloration of your Black Skirt Tetras in the aquarium. Regular feeding and careful attention to dietary needs contribute to the overall well-being and longevity of these beautiful freshwater fish.

Best Black Skirt Tetra Tank Mates

Compatible Species

Black Skirt Tetras are known for their peaceful temperament, making them excellent tank mates for a variety of community fish. Some compatible species include:

Tank MateSpeciesTemperamentDescription
Neon TetraParacheirodon innesiPeacefulNeon Tetras are small, peaceful schooling fish that complement the active nature of Black Skirt Tetras with their vibrant colors and graceful swimming.
Corydoras CatfishCorydoras spp.PeacefulCorydoras Catfish are bottom-dwelling scavengers that help keep the aquarium clean while posing no threat to Black Skirt Tetras due to their gentle demeanor.
SwordtailXiphophorus helleriiPeacefulSwordtails are hardy and adaptable fish that add variety to the aquarium with their unique sword-shaped tails, and they peacefully coexist with Black Skirt Tetras.
RasboraRasbora spp.PeacefulRasboras are shoaling fish known for their calm behavior and compatibility with a wide range of tank mates, including Black Skirt Tetras.
Zebra DanioDanio rerioPeacefulZebra Danios are active and energetic fish that thrive in groups, adding movement and vitality to the aquarium alongside Black Skirt Tetras.
Harlequin RasboraTrigonostigma heteromorphaPeacefulHarlequin Rasboras exhibit vibrant colors and a peaceful temperament, making them an excellent choice to cohabit with Black Skirt Tetras in a community tank.
Ember TetraHyphessobrycon amandaePeacefulEmber Tetras are small, peaceful fish that showcase striking red coloration, creating a visually appealing contrast when kept alongside Black Skirt Tetras.
Otocinclus CatfishOtocinclus spp.PeacefulOtocinclus Catfish are efficient algae eaters that help maintain a clean aquarium environment without bothering Black Skirt Tetras or other tank mates.
GuppyPoecilia reticulataPeacefulGuppies are prolific breeders and colorful fish that add movement and variety to the aquarium while peacefully coexisting with Black Skirt Tetras.
Cherry BarbPuntius titteyaPeacefulCherry Barbs are peaceful and colorful fish that thrive in community setups, offering visual appeal and compatibility with Black Skirt Tetras.
Endler’s LivebearerPoecilia wingeiPeacefulEndler’s Livebearers are small, active fish with striking color patterns, making them an attractive addition to the aquarium alongside Black Skirt Tetras.
MollyPoecilia spp.PeacefulMollies are hardy fish available in various colors and patterns, adding diversity and interest to the aquarium while cohabiting peacefully with Black Skirt Tetras.
Kuhli LoachPangio kuhliiPeacefulKuhli Loaches are slender, nocturnal fish that help control pest snail populations while remaining inconspicuous and peaceful tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras.
Dwarf GouramiTrichogaster laliusPeacefulDwarf Gouramis are small, labyrinth fish with vibrant colors and unique personalities, making them compatible tank mates that add visual interest to the aquarium.
Cardinal TetraParacheirodon axelrodiPeacefulCardinal Tetras are schooling fish with stunning red and blue coloration, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium while harmoniously cohabiting with Black Skirt Tetras.

These tank mates are selected for their peaceful temperament, compatibility with Black Skirt Tetras, and their ability to contribute to a thriving community aquarium environment.

Avoid Aggressive Species

While Black Skirt Tetras are renowned for their peaceful temperament, it’s crucial to exercise caution when selecting tank mates to ensure a harmonious community aquarium environment. Aggressive or fin-nipping species can cause stress, injury, and disrupt the social dynamics within the tank, jeopardizing the well-being of your tetras.

When choosing tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras, it’s essential to research the temperament and compatibility of potential species thoroughly. Avoiding aggressive fish that may exhibit territorial behavior or harass other tank inhabitants is key to maintaining a peaceful and thriving aquarium ecosystem.

Top 10 Aggressive Species Mistaken for Community Tank Companions

SpeciesCommon NameAggression LevelDescription
Betta splendensSiamese Fighting FishHighDespite their beauty, male Betta fish are notorious for their aggressive tendencies, particularly towards fish with long, flowing fins like Black Skirt Tetras.
Tiger BarbPuntigrus tetrazonaHighTiger Barbs are schooling fish known for their nipping behavior, which can result in stress and injury to tank mates, including Black Skirt Tetras.
Red-Tailed SharkEpalzeorhynchos bicolorHighRed-Tailed Sharks are territorial and can be aggressive towards other bottom-dwelling fish, posing a threat to the peaceful nature of Black Skirt Tetras.
Jack DempseyRocio octofasciataHighJack Dempseys are large, territorial cichlids known for their aggressive behavior, making them unsuitable tank mates for smaller, peaceful fish like Black Skirt Tetras.
Green TerrorAndinoacara rivulatusHighGreen Terrors are aggressive cichlids known for their territorial nature and propensity for bullying tank mates, including Black Skirt Tetras.
Convict CichlidAmatitlania nigrofasciataHighConvict Cichlids are highly territorial and aggressive fish that can intimidate and harass smaller tank mates, posing a risk to the well-being of Black Skirt Tetras.
Red Devil CichlidAmphilophus labiatusHighRed Devil Cichlids are large, aggressive fish known for their combative behavior and territorial tendencies, making them unsuitable companions for Black Skirt Tetras.
Blue AcaraAndinoacara pulcherModerateWhile less aggressive than some cichlid species, Blue Acaras can still exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards smaller tank mates like Black Skirt Tetras.
Jewel CichlidHemichromis bimaculatusModerateJewel Cichlids are known for their aggressive nature, particularly during breeding, and may intimidate or harass more peaceful tank inhabitants like Black Skirt Tetras.
Rainbow SharkEpalzeorhynchos frenatumModerateRainbow Sharks are territorial and may exhibit aggressive behavior, particularly towards other bottom-dwelling fish, which can disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the aquarium.

These species are commonly mistaken for suitable community tank companions due to their availability and attractive appearance. However, their aggressive tendencies can pose significant risks to the well-being of Black Skirt Tetras and other peaceful tank mates. When stocking your aquarium, it’s essential to prioritize compatibility and avoid aggressive species to ensure a harmonious and thriving aquatic environment.


Breeding Behavior

Breeding Black Skirt Tetras can be a fascinating endeavor for aquarists. To encourage spawning, provide a separate breeding tank with ample plants for egg deposition and hiding places for the fry. Maintain slightly elevated temperatures and regular water changes to simulate the conditions conducive to breeding.

I cover Black Skirt Tetra breeding in full in this article here!

Care of Fry

Once the eggs are laid, remove the adult tetras from the breeding tank to prevent them from consuming the eggs or fry. Feed the fry with infusoria or commercial fry food until they are large enough to accept larger food particles.


In conclusion, Black Skirt Tetras emerge as not only a visually captivating species but also an invaluable asset to any freshwater aquarium community. Their striking appearance, characterized by the contrast of their black “skirts” against a backdrop of silver or grey, adds a touch of elegance to any aquatic setting.

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Black Skirt Tetras are renowned for their resilience and adaptability, making them an ideal choice for aquarists of all experience levels. Their peaceful temperament allows them to coexist harmoniously with a wide range of tank mates, fostering a tranquil and balanced ecosystem within the aquarium.

By adhering to the comprehensive guidelines outlined in this complete guide, aquarists can ensure the optimal care and well-being of their Black Skirt Tetras. From providing a suitable tank environment with ample space and vegetation to offering a diverse and nutritionally balanced diet, every aspect of their care is meticulously addressed.

Furthermore, the importance of selecting compatible tank mates cannot be overstated. By avoiding aggressive or fin-nipping species and opting for peaceful companions, aquarists can create a cohesive community that enhances the overall enjoyment of keeping Black Skirt Tetras.

In embracing the principles of responsible fishkeeping and applying the knowledge shared in this guide, aquarists can cultivate a thriving aquatic environment that not only showcases the beauty of Black Skirt Tetras but also fosters their longevity and well-being. With proper care and attention, these charming fish are sure to bring joy and fascination to aquarium enthusiasts for years to come.

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